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 Image for Bulk Flow Monitor
Bulk Flow Monitor
Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN
11 Jun 2009
Dwyer Instruments, Inc., is announcing the release of its NEW SERIES BFM BULK FLOW MONITOR. The Flow Monitor provides effective monitoring for most flow/no flow conditions in pipes and chutes. Its sensing techniques, which use both Microwave and Doppler, makes the BFM versatile for most flow/no flow applications. The BFM offers adjustable sensitivity depending on the application demand. The BFS-1 Sensor yields many advance features. It externally mounts to the outside of the pipe or chute. You can use the Series BFM to monitor Oil Spray Systems, Discharge Chutes, Distributors, Screw Conveyors, Drag Conveyors, Water Systems, Air Systems, Pneumatic Systems, Gravity Feed Systems, Slurry Systems, Chemical Processing, Food Processing and Rotary Drums.
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