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 Image for Improved T-4 Adjustable Linear Feeder
Improved T-4 Adjustable Linear Feeder
Automation Devices, Inc., Fairview, PA
21 Apr 2009
Bob Hoover, Feeder Technician in Automation Devices' VFC Division, has developed a fully adjustable linear feeder that conveys very small parts through vibration. ADI's Model T-4 (part # 5200A) is the smallest of the Inline Feeder Series and services track lengths of up to 10" with weights up to 2lbs. Adjusting the T-4 is as easy as changing the channel on your clock radio. By effectively lengthening and shortening the working length of its fiberglass springs, the strength of the T-4 can handle a wide range of weight and length modification of your track without the need for factory intervention.
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