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| .jpg) | Series 648B Differential Pressure Transmitter Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN 17 Jun 2013 Dwyer Instruments, Inc., is announcing the release of its NEW SERIES 648B DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER, designed to be used with clean, dry air and other non-corrosive gases. | |
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| .jpg) | Series 646B Differential Pressure Transmitter Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN 3 Apr 2013 Dwyer Instruments, Inc., is announcing the release of its NEW SERIES 646B DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER, designed to be used with clean, dry air and other non-corrosive gases. | |
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| .jpg) | Series 677B NEMA 4 Differential Pressure Transmitter Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN 11 Mar 2013 Dwyer Instruments, Inc., is announcing the release of its NEW SERIES 677B DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER for building energy management systems, environmental pollution control, oven pressurization, lab and fume hood control, HVAC and VAV applications. | |
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| .jpg) | Series HADP High Accuracy Differential Pressure Transmitter Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN 6 Feb 2013 Dwyer Instruments, Inc., is announcing the release of its NEW SERIES HADP HIGH ACCURACY DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER which combines low ranges with exceptional stability, reliability and an outstanding accuracy of ±0.14% FS. | |
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| .jpg) | Series 607D DIN Rail Mount Differential Pressure Transmitter Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN 18 Dec 2012 Dwyer Instruments, Inc., is announcing the release of its NEW SERIES 607D DIN Rail Mount DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER which senses the pressure of air and compatible gases and sends a standard 4 to 20 mA output signal. | |
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| .jpg) | Series AVUB Air Velocity Transmitter Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN 10 Feb 2012 Dwyer Instruments, Inc., is announcing the release of its NEW AVUB AIR VELOCITY TRANSMITTER. The unit is virtually immune to drift due to the design of the sensing element, which makes the transmitter accurate over the entire air velocity range. | |
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| .jpg) | Series 3100 Explosion-Proof Differential Pressure Transmitter Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN 29 Dec 2010 Mercoid® a division of Dwyer Instruments, Inc., the preferred source for your complete range of practical and affordable instrumentation, is announcing the release of its NEW SERIES 3100 SMART PRESSURE TRANSMITTER. | |
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| .jpg) | Series 655A Differential Pressure Transmitter Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN 9 Aug 2010 Dwyer Instruments, Inc., is announcing the release of its NEW SERIES 655A DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER designed for high static/low DP applications where extreme overpressure and high performance of 0.25% accuracy and stability are required at ranges down to 3˝ w.c. | |
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| .jpg) | Series VTT Hot-Wire Air Velocity/Temperature Transmitter Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN 7 Apr 2010 Dwyer Instruments is proud to announce the release of its NEW SERIES VTT HOT-WIRE AIR VELOCITY/TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER designed for HVAC applications that require both velocity and temperature monitoring. | |
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| .jpg) | Series CMT Carbon Monoxide Transmitter from Dwyer Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN 9 Mar 2010 The Dwyer Series CMT Carbon Monoxide Transmitter accurately detects and transmits low concentrations of carbon monoxide inside a parking garage or loading dock. Transmitters can be ordered in wall mount or duct mount configurations. Universal current and voltage outputs are field selectable and match most common building management controllers. Optional relay and alarm buzzers are available on the wall mount models to directly connect to a warning light or exhaust fan. | |
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| .jpg) | Series RHP Humidity/Temperature Transmitters Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN 4 Jan 2010 Dwyer Instruments, Inc., is announcing the release of its NEW SERIES RHP HUMIDITY AND TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER. The transmitter combines the voltage or current humidity transmitter output with a passive temperature thermistor or RTD output | |
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| .jpg) | Duct Mount Carbon Dioxide Transmitter Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN 28 Oct 2008 Dwyer Instruments, Inc., has announced the release of its NEW MODEL CDD DUCT MOUNT CARBON DIOXIDE TRANSMITTER. The Model CDD monitors the occupancy in a room by detecting the concentration of carbon dioxide in the return air duct. The non-dispersive infrared sensing technology automatically updates the calibration of the transmitter using a proprietary logic feature which limits the amount of error due to drift. The Model CDD can measure up to 2000 PPM in duct air flows less than 1500 FPM. | |
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| .jpg) | Flush Diaphragm Transmitter Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN 25 Mar 2008 Dwyer Instruments, Inc., is announcing the release of its Series FDT Flush Diaphragm Transmitter for highly cyclical conditions. The flush sensor feature prevents any potential inaccuracies due to build-up or blockage which is a typical problem found in most non-flush transmitter sensors. Series FDT transmitters perform well in high cyclical environments with the presence of water-hammering or spiking. | |
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| .jpg) | Series AVU Air Velocity Transmitter Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN 18 Oct 2005 Dwyer Instruments, Inc., has released the new easy-to-install Series AVU Air Velocity Transmitter. Ideal for a wide range of HVAC measurement and control applications, units have a 5% accuracy and are available in ranges from 0-785 fpm to 0-3150 fpm, with either 4-20mA or 0-10V output. | |
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| .jpg) | Series 641B Air Velocity Transmitter Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Michigan City, IN 7 Jun 2005 Dwyer Instruments, Inc., the preferred source for your complete range of practical and affordable instrumentation, is announcing the release of its new Series 641B Air Velocity Transmitter. The Series 641B is ideal for monitoring air velocities in polluted environments with its protected heated mass flow sensor. | |