Solutions Provider will Give Two Separate Presentations on Air Pollution Control and Energy Conservation at Chem Show

Press Release:
  Nov 2, 2009 — With cap-and-trade legislation and higher fuel prices looming, it is crucial that facilities know what oxidizer will keep their carbon footprint to a minimum and lower operating costs. Anguil will be hosting a presentation at the Chem Show on Tuesday, Nov. 17th at 2:00pm in Theatre A that will examine the best control technologies for all the different emission streams found at chemical facilities.

For attendees who already have an oxidizer, Anguil will be hosting a second presentation, one hour prior in Theatre B. It will focus on operating cost reduction strategies and the different options that plants should consider to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption.
Tags: oxidizer, air pollution control, heat recovery, emission reduction
Company Details:
 Contact:Kevin Summ 
 E-mail:kevin -dot- summ -at- anguil -dot- com 
 Company:Anguil Environmental Systems Inc. View Company Profile 
 Address:work8855 N. 55th St. 
 Location:workMilwaukee, WI 53223  United States 
 Web Site: