Eriez® Designates Eco-Certification for Recycling Equipment, including ProSort, FinesSort™ and Eddy Current Separators

Press Release:
  Feb 11, 2011 — Erie, PA -- Demonstrating its commitment for a better, cleaner environment, Eriez® has developed an eco-certification designation for a variety of its high-end recycling equipment, including the ProSort, ProSort II and FinesSort™ Metal Recovery Systems and Eddy Current Separators (ECS).

Eriez’ recycling equipment, either as individual units or complete systems, is designed for the most efficient and economical processing of municipal solid waste, co-mingled recyclables, shredded automobiles, electronic scrap, glass cullet, plastic (PET), foundry sand and many other resource recovery operations.

The selected recycling products have met several criteria established by Eriez for the Eco-Certified designation:

• ProSort, ProSort II, FinesSort and ECS have a positive impact on recycling processes and the recycling industry
• They are manufactured with energy-savings features, including the use of energy-free permanent magnets
• ProSort, ProSort II, FinesSort and ECS are built in an Eriez facility that focuses on recycling consumables, driving down energy usage and drastically reducing solid landfill waste
• An electronic, paperless format is used when promoting the selected Eriez recycling equipment; when marketed using hard copy, promotional material is printed on recycled paper

Eriez has incorporated a completely digital workflow, both internally and externally, to reduce its dependence on paper. Customers can now access product information via the Eriez Web site at and print only what they need, including specs and details about the company’s line of recycling equipment.

ProSort Airless Metal Recovery System’s electromagnetic “Six Pack” paddle system saves up to 75 percent of the cost of operating a typical 125 HP air compressor associated with air recycling systems. Sensor activated paddles deflect detected metals and ProSort’s modular design can be configured up to 90 inches wide. The airless ProSort II doubles the number of metal sensors found on the original ProSort. These high resolution sensors are aligned with an inverted pad mechanism to improve recovery of valuable metals.

The FinesSort Metals Recovery System features a series of powerful magnetic components that recover valuable ferrous and nonferrous metals less than one inch in diameter from the fines waste streams in scrap yards. The FinesSort not only reduces the amount of waste destined for landfills, but reclaims thousands of pounds of metal per day for reuse.

Eriez’ Eddy Current Separators are ideal for material recovery facilities looking to automate removal of nonferrous metals from trash, municipal solid waste, sand, glass, dirt, CTD, electronic scrap and shredded automobiles. ECS models from Eriez are available in feed widths of 24, 36, 48, 60 and 84 inches.

Eriez is recognized as world authority in advanced technology for magnetic, vibratory and inspection applications. The company’s magnetic lift and separation, metal detection, x-ray, materials feeding, screening, conveying and controlling equipment have application in the plastics, rubber, process, metalworking, packaging, recycling, mining, aggregate and textile industries. Eriez manufactures and markets these products through ten international facilities located on six continents. For more information, call toll-free (888) 300-ERIEZ (3743) within the U.S. and Canada. For online users, visit or send e-mail to Eriez World Headquarters is located at 2200 Asbury Road, Erie, PA 16506.

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Tags: Eriez, Eco Certification, Recycling Equipment
Company Details:
 Contact:Keith Johns 
 E-mail:lwhaling -at- eriez -dot- com 
 Company:ERIEZ View Company Profile 
 Address:work2200 Asbury Road 
 Location:workErie, PA 16506  United States 
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