Eriez® Equipment for Metalworking Brochure Available for Download

Press Release:
  Oct 4, 2013 — Erie, PA — The Eriez® “Equipment for the Metalworking Industry” brochure highlights many Eriez products designed to bring improved productivity and efficiency to day-to-day metalworking operations. The four-page, full-color brochure is available online at and in hard copy format, by request.

The inside cover features three Eriez customer success stories related to chip and coolant processing, material handling and materials separation. Each describes how Eriez products helped the spotlighted customer solve their toughest application challenges.

“Equipment for the Metalworking Industry” showcases Eriez’ wide selection of metalworking products, including Magna-Rolls, Sheet Fanners, Magna-Rails, Vibratory Feeders and Conveyors, Lifting Magnets, Belt Conveyors, Coolant Cleaners, Feeder/Conveyor combinations, Chip and Parts Conveyors, Mechanical Feeders and Conveyors, Magnetic Drum Separators, Liquid Line Traps and Grate Magnets. Each product is outlined with a brief synopsis of its function and the applications it serves.

The last page of the brochure has information regarding Eriez’ history, Eriez’ 5-Star Service® Center, Eriez’ global presence and the Eriez Technical Center. Readers will also find information on using the EriezXpress™ program for quick product delivery. Metalworking products that are part of the EriezXpress program include Vibratory Feeders, Lifting Magnets, Bin Vibrators, Coolant Cleaners, Magna-Rolls and Sheet Fanners.

To download “Equipment for the Metalworking Industry” in PDF format, visit For a hard copy, contact Eriez and request brochure B-50.

Eriez is recognized as world authority in separation technologies. The company’s magnetic lift and separation, metal detection, materials feeding, screening, conveying and controlling equipment have application in the process, metalworking, packaging, plastics, rubber, recycling, mining, aggregate and textile industries. Eriez manufactures and markets these products through 12 international facilities located on six continents. For more information, call toll-free (888) 300-ERIEZ (3743) within the U.S. and Canada. For online users, visit or send email to Eriez World Headquarters is located at 2200 Asbury Road, Erie, PA 16506.

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Tags: eriez, metalworking, equipment for the metalworking industry, metalworking operations, metalworking products, chip and coolant processing, 5 star
Company Details:
 Contact:John Blicha 
 E-mail:lwhaling -at- eriez -dot- com 
 Company:ERIEZ View Company Profile 
 Address:work2200 Asbury Road 
 Location:workErie, PA 16506  United States 
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