Garner Industries Compliant with ITAR Part 122

Press Release:
  Aug 24, 2010 — Effective January 28, 2010, Garner Industries completed registration with the United States Department of State for compliance with International Traffic in Arms Regulations, ITAR Part 122. This registration is for companies involved in the manufacture, sale or distribution of goods or services covered under the United States Munitions List (USML), or a component supplier to goods covered under the USML. ITAR compliance signifies that the company is registered with the State Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC).

“This registration enables Garner to manufacture components and assemblies for customers that require their work be done with an ITAR Part 122 compliant supplier,” stated Scott McLain, president of Garner industries. “We are able to supply a variety of CNC machined and wire EDM parts as well as small to medium sized plastic molded parts that can be used in products covered under the USML.”
Tags: garner industries, ITAR, DDTC, cnc machining, wire edm, USML
Company Details:
 Contact:Jenny Christensen 
 E-mail:garnerinfo -at- garnerindustries -dot- com 
 Company:Garner Industries View Company Profile 
 Address:workPO Box 29709 
 Location:workLincoln, NE 68529  United States 
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