| Apr 12, 2010 — Nefab Inc., a global leader in complete packaging solutions, is introducing their LogPak pallet collars to the North American market. Nefab is continuously working towards reducing the overall environmental impact of their products and preventing pollution. In keeping with this objective LogPak is a resource-friendly alternative for packing, transporting and warehousing products. Pallet collars circulate between different companies and are used multiple times, thereby reducing the need for new packaging and the impact on natural resources. By using the proper materials, pallet collars can last up to 15 years. A worn pallet collar can also be broken down into its component parts and incinerated or melted down. Additionally the low weight and collapsibility of the collars reduces transport requirements, thus reducing fuel consumption. Nefab LogPak collars are currently available and in stock in two standard sizes. LogPak can also be made to order with options such as printing, color, and customized lengths and widths. Additionally, pallets, lids and accessories like dividers and spacers are available to meet customer requirements.
LogPak is a flexible wooden pallet collar system that has been used across Europe for many years; however in North America the awareness of pallet collars and their advantages has been somewhat limited. Originally developed by the Swedish automotive industry, pallet collars are a flexible, lightweight and environmentally friendly packing alternative. The collars can be utilized during initial packing, in transport, in a warehouse, and for delivery to the end user. This makes for safe, efficient handling that reduces the risk of damage, injury and waste. Ideally the receiver of the pallet collars will re-use them for their own transport, or alternatively they can be collapsed and returned to the original sender. Low volume equals low-cost return freight. The basic components also make LogPak an inexpensive packing solution. Pallet collars are relatively light compared to iron cages and other types of container, and are ergonomically sound when loading and unloading, as their height adapts as required. Pallets with collars can be easily stacked, so space on trucks can be used more efficiently, and loading is also fast.
More information can be found at http://www.nefab.ca/Wooden_Pallet_Collars.aspx.
Facts About Nefab Nefab delivers complete packaging solutions to international industrial groups, primarily within the telecom and automotive industries. Nefab companies are located in Europe, North and South America and Asia. Invoiced sales in 2007 amounted to approximately SEK 2.3 billion. # # #
Nefab is the global partner for complete packaging solutions. We manufacture collapsible, nail-free crates for export and reusable applications. We also provide inner dunnage, engineering services and logistical flow analysis. | |