One-Touch® Single-Use Systems Capabilities Brochure Available for Download!

Press Release:
  Jun 29, 2012 — Meissner has released a new capabilities brochure featuring the fluid handling and management solutions delivered by the One-Touch® single-use systems portfolio. This 8-page brochure delivers the foundation upon which the portfolio was built – exceptional quality, operational excellence and technical expertise.

The brochure gives an overview of each of the primary products within the single-use portfolio, including TepoFlex® PE and FluoroFlex® PVDF biocontainer assemblies. Complementary products, such as FlexStation® rigid outer containers, which provide robust shipping and storage solutions for fully deployed 3D biocontainers, are also covered. BioFlex® tubing assemblies, which maximize process flexibility in the deployment of both single-use and hybrid systems, are highlighted.

The brochure discusses the extensive documentation available for the One-Touch® single-use systems portfolio. This includes biocontainer assembly Standards Guides, which feature best practice designs for the most common liquid management applications, and product qualification guides, which provide a level of documentation that is unmatched in industry and is intended to fast track process qualification and validation efforts of Meissner clients.

The new capabilities brochure can be downloaded at Print copies can be requested by calling 800-391-9458 or visiting the website at and selecting the “Literature” menu tab.

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Tags: single-use systems, One-Touch®, tubing assemblies
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