New Web Site Launched for Birdsall Tool & Gage Company

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  Nov 23, 2010 — With social media taking off and becoming an integral part of company to company communication, Birdsall Tool & Gage has re-designed their web site to provide social media links by incorporating Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks.

Check out our blog and also join our twitter!

David Birdsall
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Tags: Birdsall, gage, gages, twitter, blog, Facebook, Social Media
Company Details:
 Contact:Dave Birdsall 
 E-mail:dbirdsall -at- birdsalltool -dot- com 
 Company:Birdsall Tool & Gage Co View Company Profile 
 Address:work24735 Crestview Ct 
 Location:workFarmington Hls, MI 48335-1507  United States 
 Web Site: