New Linear Motion Focused Facebook Page & YouTube Channel from PBC

Press Release:
  May 11, 2011 — New for 2011, PBC Linear has stepped into the world of social media with a new Facebook page and dedicated YouTube channel in order to stay connected and promote real-time dialogue with our new and existing customers.

Visitors to our new Facebook page can actively browse through several areas of continually updated content: notes, photos and videos with more content being added each week! The new fan page will also give our customers a direct connection to the latest news and products being released by PBC Linear and allows visitors to provide immediate feedback. To get connected, head over to our Facebook fan page by clicking the link at the bottom of this page.

For immediate access to our entire video library, head over to YouTube and visit our new PBC Linear dedicated channel. Here visitors can quickly browse through our complete selection of video content with more being added every week. Tune in to the PBC Linear Channel by clicking on the link below. You can also access all of our go-to links using the new sticky footer on our homepage.

For more information on PBC Linear, please call 1.800.729.9085, email to or visit us at
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Tags: PBC Linear, company page, Facebook, YouTube, social media
Company Details:
 Contact:Zach Olson 
 E-mail:zach -dot- olson -at- pbclinear -dot- com 
 Company:PBC Linear View Company Profile 
 Address:work6402 Rockton Road 
 Location:workRoscoe, IL 61073  United States 
 Web Site: