Series EBV Electric Bin Vibrator from Dwyer Instruments

Press Release:
  Mar 9, 2010 — The Series EBV Electric Bin Vibrator incorporates adjustable force features without creating irritating noise. The low amperage draw at 120V reduces power consumption and makes the vibrators useable in any application. The EBV eliminates drawbacks associated with non-adjustable constant force units. The conventional fix force units are sized with narrow operating limits and may not move material from bins or pack material in containers if the moisture content changes. The adjustable force feature increases application flexibility; reducing equipment downtime and labor expense. The EBV is capable of running continuously at 100% force output without overheating or mechanical damage. 
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Categorized Under: Bin Vibrators
Company Details:
 Contact:Kris Vallarano 
 E-mail:Kvallarano -at- dwyermail -dot- com 
 Company:Dwyer Instruments, Inc. View Company Profile 
 Address:workP.O. Box 373 
 Location:workMichigan City, IN 46361  United States 
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