Twin Sheet Thermoforming - Advantages and Features

Press Release:
  Jan 28, 2010 — Spencer Industries is proud to announce that it can do Twin Sheet Thermoforming. Twin Sheet Thermoforming is made by very few thermoformers. Spencer Industries is one of the few that Specializes in this skill. When using the Twin Sheet Thermoforming method there are many unique advantages it has that allows the engineer to think "outside the box."

Twin Sheet Thermoforming is accomplished by heating two extruded plastic sheets simultaneously and then forming and sealing or fusing these two sheets together during the thermoforming process. In many cases, the twin-sheeting process produces parts that can resemble a blow-molded or rotational molded product, but with several advantages.

Advantages of Twin Sheet Thermoforming:

* A two-color product option
* Ability to have 2 different material thicknesses
* A higher esthetic product because of complete tool contact of both exterior sheets
* A hollow product with a separate component trapped inside the two sheets as the part is being twin sheet thermoformed.
* Allows a parting line that varies in locations around the perimeter of the two halves
* Increased Structural Integrity and helps Rigidify otherwise weak areas
* Multiple Materials that we commonly Twin Sheet Thermoform - HIPS, ABS, TPO, HDPE, PP, TPU, & PETG
* Size capabilities range from as small as 8" x 8" to as large as 7' x 11' x 36" Depth

Features of Twin Sheet Thermoforming:

* Hollow Formed Parts
* Two Color Part Option
* Foam Filled
* Living Hinge Capabilities
* Custom Color Layering
* Variable Wall Thickness
* Multi Textures
* Air and Wiring Ducting
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Tags: twin sheet plastic, twin sheet thermoforming, thermoforming, twin sheet thermoform
Company Details:
 Contact:Melissa Schaefer 
 E-mail:mschaefe -at- spencerindustries -dot- com 
 Company:Spencer Industries View Company Profile 
 Address:work902 Buffaloville Road 
 Location:workDale, IN 47577  United States 
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