Updated Eriez® ProGrade® Brochure Features Additional Magnetic Separators, Including Xtreme™ RE Grates In Housing and PM Aftermarket RE Drawer Grates

Press Release:
  Jun 7, 2011 — Erie, PA --- Eriez® has updated its popular ProGrade® Magnetic Separators brochure, which now includes products new to the ProGrade line. The FREE brochure showcases Eriez’ ProGrade line of high quality, low cost standard magnetic plates, grates, traps and tubes, which are all in stock and available for immediate shipment.

The updated 12-page ProGrade brochure now includes Eriez’ Xtreme Rare Earth Grates in Housing. These powerful magnetic separators are an ideal choice for food, chemical, pharmaceutical and packaging applications where exceptionally high product purity is essential. Xtreme Rare Earth Grates in Housing are designed to remove ferrous contamination from dry products such as powders or granules. Standard features of Eriez ProGrade Xtreme Rare Earth Grates in Housing include two rows of staggered magnets, one-inch diameter magnet tubes on two-inch centers, all stainless steel sanitary construction and glass bead surface finish.

Another new addition to the ProGrade brochure is Eriez state-of-the-art Model PM Aftermarket Rare Earth Drawer Magnets. These advanced magnets simply slide into most existing drawer magnet housings, immediately improving separation performance. Installation time is less than five minutes. Four sizes are available and they can even be used with mild steel housings.

The economical line of ProGrade grate, plate, trap and tube assemblies depicted in the brochure are available in three different levels of magnetic strength: ProGrade Ceramic series, ProGrade Rare Earth series and ProGrade Xtreme series. Complete descriptions of each strength level are included in the brochure, making it easy for customers to find the solution that ideally meets their needs. The brochure also features full product details for each item in the ProGrade line, including pricing information.

To obtain a free copy of the new ProGrade Magnetic Separators brochure, contact Eriez and request brochure SB-460 or download the brochure in PDF format by visiting http://www.eriez.com/Products/Prograde/.

Eriez is recognized as world authority in advanced technology for magnetic, vibratory and inspection applications. The company’s magnetic lift and separation, metal detection, x-ray, materials feeding, screening, conveying and controlling equipment have application in the process, metalworking, packaging, recycling, mining, aggregate and textile industries. Eriez manufactures and markets these products through ten international facilities located on six continents. For more information, call toll-free (888) 300-ERIEZ (3743) within the U.S. and Canada. For online users, visit www.eriez.com or send e-mail to eriez@eriez.com. Eriez World Headquarters is located at 2200 Asbury Road, Erie, PA 16506.

For more information: http://www.eriez.com/Products/Prograde/
 Additional link: http://www.eriez.com 
Tags: Eriez, ProGrade®, Updated Brochure, Magnetic Separators, Xtreme™ RE Grates In Housing, PM Aftermarket RE Drawer Grates
Company Details:
 Contact:Keith Jones 
 E-mail:lwhaling -at- eriez -dot- com 
 Company:ERIEZ View Company Profile 
 Address:work2200 Asbury Road 
 Location:workErie, PA 16506  United States 
 Web Site:http://www.eriez.com