Square and Rectangular Tubing Manufacturers In Kentucky (KY) and Nearby States

Showing 1-5 of 5 Manufacturers
Logo for Aluminum Extruded Shapes, Inc. Aluminum Extruded Shapes, Inc. (Cincinnati, OH)



Aluminum Extruded Shapes is a full service extruder specializing in custom designed aluminum extrusions. We also offer a wide variety of standard shapes, which include angles, channels and tubing. In addition to our extrusion capabilities we offer in house fabricating, as well as CNC machining, anodizing, powder coating, etc.

Product(s) by Aluminum Extruded Shapes, Inc.
SecondaryTubing.com (Chicago, IL)


We carry a large inventory of secondary square, rectangular and round tubing in an amazing array of sizes. Over 10 years experience selling the same quality tubing from our mill source! Perfect for marine contracting, shoring, machine bases, agricultural, refuse, fencing, livestock and a multitude of other applications. Call or email with your n

Welded Tubes, Inc. (Orwell, OH)

Service Company

We produce square tubing from 3/8"SQ to 2"SQ with walls from .028" to .120". We produce rectangular tubing from 3/8" X 5/8" RECT to 1" x 2" RECT with walls from .028" to .120"

Phillips & Johnston, Inc. (Glen Ellyn, IL)


Since 1963, Phillips & Johnston's quality tubing and excellent customer service has given us the edge over our competitors. With an experienced sales force, and expert support staff, we offer a wide variety of ferrous and non ferrous tubular products, value added services, and programs to assist you in managing your inventory.

Parker Steel Co. (Toledo, OH)


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