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 3M3S Technology Engineering Solutions is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Engineering Services
Contact Information:
Company: 3M3S Technology Engineering Solutions
Address:workThe Great Eastern Summit B, Office no 803,804,805,806
 workNavi Mumbai, India  400614
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Website:Computer and Globe
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About 3M3S Technology Engineering Solutions:

We take this opportunity to introduce 3M3S TECHNOLOGY-ENGINEERING SOLUTIONs and its a Division of 3M3S Technology which has proven 37 years of experience in Turn key project (fabrication of industrial oil, Gas project & Commercial) in all over India and Gulf.

We have the capacity to detail structural steel projects up to 100-10,000 tons in size per month. We have experience in detailing commercial, institutional, Pre-Engineering Building & preparation of fabrication drawings for Petrochemicals, Refineries, Power Plants, Cement Plants, Commercial complexes, Shopping Malls, Domes, Oil Fields and industrial projects. We also offer miscellaneous steel detailing packages. As a full, we understand the challenges involved in the steel fabrication industry, and is willing to embrace these challenges to meet the steel fabricator’s needs. As experienced project managers and detailers, we know the importance of deadlines to the final success of a project, and are willing to work long hours to meet or better these deadlines. We have 50+ experienced SDS/2 Engineers. Willing to expand more in Detailing Division.

We are certified Members of AISC and NISD.

The final package we provide for Structural Steel Detailing includes the following.

-Structural steel detailing using SDS/2 and/or Tekla. We also have experience in AutoCAD and ASD.
- Fully checked shop drawings, framing plans, and anchor bolt plans
- All CNC, electronic and download files required to meet the fabricator’s shop equipment needs
- Miscellaneous steel detailing

Please add me to your bidding List. You can send Projects for Quotation. We can also fix team for your company for detailing with fix amount per month. We have so many USA fabricator contract running on fix team with fix amount per month and going very smooth.

For more info about our company please visit our website