Products / Services:
 AB Schwartz Restorations, LLC is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Furniture
Contact Information:
Company: AB Schwartz Restorations, LLC
Address:workPO Box 203
 work7110 S US Hwy 27
 workBerne, IN 46711  United States
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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Map of AB Schwartz Restorations, LLC
About AB Schwartz Restorations, LLC:
 AB Schwartz is a small family owned restoration company located in the heart of Amish country. This company was started by Amos B Schwartz many years ago: Amos B Schwartz Construction and Restorations. Marvin his some took the family business over after the death of his father. They specialize in all types of restorations, renovations, and repairs. Historic barns, bridges, and mill are their specialty, along with a many other items including: furniture, barber chairs, family heirlooms, clocks, smaller tractors and implements, along with all types of construction restorations.

"Using new to bring life to the old"