Products / Services:
 Altuglas International is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Chemicals
  • Glass
  • Polycarbonate Rod
  • Polycarbonate Sheet and Plate
Contact Information:
Company: Altuglas International
Address:work2000 Market Street
 workPhiladephia, PA 19103-3231  United States
 800-225-7788 (Toll-Free)
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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Map of Altuglas International
About Altuglas International:
 Arkema is a world-class producer of industrial chemicals, including acrylics, PMMA, thiochemicals, fluorochemicals, and hydrogen peroxide and of performance products like technical polymers, specialty chemical organic peroxides and additives. Arkema is a leading producer in most of its product lines. Arkema's 20 plants in North America account for 25% of the company's sales.