Products / Services:
 American Heat Treat Technology is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Heat Treating
    • Metal
Contact Information:
Company: American Heat Treat Technology
Address:work1600 N 10th St
 workMillville, NJ 08332  United States
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About American Heat Treat Technology:
 Joe Preston(owner) in heat treating since 1966. Started in Bridgeport Conn. at L&R metal, then went to CJ Royer Co., in Okla. then to Vacuum Heat Treat in Dallas Texas 1976. Went into business as American HTT Co. in 1977. Specializing in, but not limited to, tool & die, injection mold, plastic mold and general tooling. Production alloys for oilfield industry: 4140,4130,Inconels, other stainless steels. We do carbonitriding, carburizing, normalizing, and stress relieving and vacuum heat treating. Testing: Rockwell scales and BHN.