Products / Services:
 Atlas Contract Furniture is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Furniture
Contact Information:
Company: Atlas Contract Furniture
Address:work14a Airfield Road,
 workChristchurch, United Kingdom  BH23 3TG
Phone:Phoneworkpref01202 400999
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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About Atlas Contract Furniture:
 Atlas Contract Furniture is a banquette seating specialist that designs and manufactures bench and booth seating for the hospitality industry. Banquette furniture is a way to make your venue look stylish, whether it be a restaurant, pub, hotel or bar. Customers love banquette seating. It adds an element of privacy, comfort and aesthetic appeal that will impress your clientele. This type of furniture also has the benefit of being space saving. A booth takes up approximately 2/3 the space that your standard table and chairs set up would. Make a real difference to your business by choosing banquette seating.