Products / Services:
 Budzar Industries Inc is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Heating Equipment
Contact Information:
Company: Budzar Industries Inc
Address:work38241 Willoughby Pkwy
 workWilloughby, OH 44094-7582  United States
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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About Budzar Industries Inc:
 A solid reputation is built on longevity, engineering excellence, quality workmanship, and customer service. Budzar Industries has specialized in process fluid heat transfer systems since 1975. As a result, Budzar has earned a global reputation for quality and ingenuity in the design, engineering, and manufacturing of temperature control systems. Just look around. You will find Budzar systems in action throughout the world, delivering accurate temperature measurement and control to the production of chemicals, petroleum, plastics, rubber, paper, power, steel, food, and pharmaceuticals.