| We provide book binding (perfect binding) services to other printing companies, businesses or individuals. (Perfect Binding is the process of applying a special adhesive to the edge of the pages of a book, and then adhering those pages to an outside cover, clamping the cover in such a way as to make a square-back edge.)
There are no minimum quantities.
We can bind as few as 2 sheets of paper and up to a maximum thickness of 2-inches.
We can bind single sheet documents or folded press signatures.
We can provide the collating of your printed pages, or we can use your pre-collated sets.
The maximum binding edge would be 12-inches. If the binding edge is less than 7-inches, please contact us for special instructions for minimum cover specifications.
Each book will be finish trimmed, trimming off a minimum of 1/8" for top, bottom and sides. The glue edge of the book will have 1/8" ground off before applying the cover. | |