Products / Services:
 Curto-Ligonier Foundries Co is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Castings
    • Aluminum
    • Stainless Steel
    • Steel
Contact Information:
Company: Curto-Ligonier Foundries Co
Address:work1215 31st Ave
 workMelrose Park, IL 60160  United States
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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About Curto-Ligonier Foundries Co:
 One Pattern, Two Choices...

Curto-Ligonier has been a leading producer of high-quality aluminum and magnesium sand castings since 1946. While we have gained a distinct reputation for our ability to produce unusually fine surface finishes on sand cast parts, we also have the unique ability to sand cast aluminum or magnesium using the same pattern.

This gives our customers the advantage of being able to substitute lighter weight magnesium for aluminum in certain casting applications, without having to re-tool. This can result in significant savings in applications where casting weight is a factor, since magnesium is 33% lighter than aluminum.

The Finishing Touch

What sets Curto-Ligonier apart from other foundries is our ability to achieve exceptionally high-quality surface finishes on sand cast parts, which typically have rough surface finishes. Often, our castings are mistaken for investment or die castings because of their superior finish. This can improve the appearance of a finished assembly that uses a variety of casting methods.

Most customers find that Curto-Ligonier castings significantly reduce their finishing costs as a result of savings in machining and paint preparation. This cost-effectiveness has earned us a loyal following for over 55 years.

Engineering Assistance

We are able to provide expert assistance in casting design, which can result in sustantial cost savings, weight reduction and greater production efficiencies for our customers. For example, we can convert costly weldments and hogouts to more cost-effective castings. This type of re-engineering can result in significant savings in a customer's production costs.

Our on-site pattern shop gives us more control over dimensions and wall thicknesses. This contributes to additional savings in scrap and setup time.