Products / Services:
 Custom Magnets Direct is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Advertising
Contact Information:
Company: Custom Magnets Direct
Address:work2327 Englert Dr Suite # 302
 workDurham, NC 27713  United States
Phone:Phoneworkpref855-762-4638 (Toll-Free)
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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About Custom Magnets Direct:
 Custom Magnets Direct is a Durham, North Carolina based online store delivering custom promotional magnets. We are one of the largest retailers, printers, designers and manufacturers of the indoor and outdoor promotional magnets. Our experts have always strived to produce cheaper, higher quality, and success oriented magnets.
We offer Custom Magnets, Refrigerator Magnets, Promotional Magnets and many.