Products / Services:
 DPL Industri A/S Denmark is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Coatings
  • Lamps
    • LED
  • LED Products
Contact Information:
Company: DPL Industri A/S Denmark
Address:workHejrevang 26 st th
 workAllerød, Denmark  3450
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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Map of DPL Industri A/S Denmark
About DPL Industri A/S Denmark:
 DPL Industri Denmark The specialist of Ultraviolet Curing and LED Curing Technology
In the past 20 years, DPL have not only to maintain the production of high quality Easycure TM Cold UV Curing System , but also established technical bond with our clients by sharing our experience on Ultraviolet printing, coatings and adhesives bonding onto wood, glass, metal, plastic and paper. From our lab to our clients' factories, our specialist help them to solve the production challenges by adopting the latest advances in UV technology.

In 2015, DPL announced Easycure TM LED Curing system with high energy output. DPL LED Curing system is base on the latest LED technology, which combine with a high effective and smart construction ensure a stable and perfect curing quality for different types of UV coating, UV printing, UV bonding application.

DPL are much more than just products, we also share our experience on UV curing printing,UV coating and UV bonding onto wood, glass, metal,plastic and paper products. We sold more than 3000 sets of UV curing system to our clients in the world.