Products / Services:
 David Weisman, L.L.C. (Weisman Ovens, Weisman Infrared) is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Dryers: Industrial
  • Heaters
    • Industrial
  • Ovens
    • Batch
    • Industrial Process
Contact Information:
Company: David Weisman, L.L.C. (Weisman Ovens, Weisman Infrared)
Address:work18 Borglum Street
 workStamford, CT 06905  United States
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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Map of David Weisman, L.L.C. (Weisman Ovens, Weisman Infrared)
About David Weisman, L.L.C. (Weisman Ovens, Weisman Infrared):
 David Weisman, L.L.C., Weisman Ovens, and Weisman Infrared designs and manufactures gas & electric infrared heater/control packages, and infrared, hot air/convection & combinations ovens. Applications include: Preheat/boost, cure, dry, postheat/postcure solvent & water-based paint and powder coatings on products. Heating for conveyorized metal, plastic, wood, etc. parts and paper, film, foil and textile continuous webs. Small to medium sized conveyorized ovens and turn-key systems. Automated or batch processes.