| Our company is dedicated to quality, service and competitive pricing. We envision advancement through pushing ourselves to new limits and questioning boundaries as we continue to be the best in our industry. Each person aspires to the highest level of excellence in both our products and service.
Dubuque Screw Products, Inc. is a production job shop specializing in high quality screw machine parts, CNC turned parts, CNC machine center parts, and general purpose machining. Dubuque Screw Products was founded in 1946. Since the company's inception, many things have changed in the manufacturing industry. Two things that have taken new form but have never changed is our dedication to quality and service. Trendy phases have not replaced this dedication to total compliance to customer's needs and timely production. Our promise to produce trouble-free parts on time is taken very seriously. Because of this dedication, we can boast of vendor customer relationships of twenty, thirty, or even forty years. We strive to provide a personal relationship through exceptional service and total dedication to quality.
As a true job shop, we adapt our in house procedures to our customers needs. Our goal is always to produce and inspect, as our customer requires. Current customers have found this maximizes their potential for fit, form, and profitability.
Dubuque Screw Products is devoted to providing a complete and quality service to every customer regardless of size of order. We have developed long lasting vendor relationships to insure being able to supply completed parts. We work with only the most reliable sources for equipment and materials so that our promise of delivery may be kept. We maintain now, by our own design, a larger inventory of bar stock than at any other time in our existence, enabling us to turn orders around extremely fast.
If I can be of any service, or if you have any further questions concerning our capabilities, please feel free to call me. I always welcome the opportunity to work with a customer to create a plan that provides mutual benefits. Everyone at Dubuque Screw Products looks forward to doing business with you.
Michael R. Scherr Secretary Treasurer | |