Products / Services:
 Duraloy Technologies, Inc. is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Castings
    • Centrifugal
Contact Information:
Company: Duraloy Technologies, Inc.
Address:work120 Bridge Street
 workScottdale, PA 15683  United States
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About Duraloy Technologies, Inc.:
 Duraloy has been producing cast heat and corrosion resistant alloys in Scottdale, PA for over 70 years. Our ISO 9000:2000 registered production facility currently utilizes static and centrifugal casting processes, combines them with fabrication, machining, and various NDT processes, to produce the highest quality castings and fabricated assemblies to customer specifications.

Duraloy is the exclusive manufacturer of our proprietary alloys: Supertherm; Super 22H; the MO-RE family of alloys; and the TMA family of alloys.

Our production facilities include: casting, machining, assembly and welding (MIG/TIG/Stick), radiography, and full chemical and mechanical testing.

Typical products include: ethylene pyrolysis coils and components; reformer catalyst tubes and outlet headers; plate hardening furnace rolls; CAL and CGL furnace rolls; CGL sink and stabilizer rolls; water-cooled and dry tunnel furnace rolls; and spiral and batch retorts.