Products / Services:
 EshiaBIM is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Consultants
    • Architectural
    • Building
    • Engineering
Contact Information:
Company: EshiaBIM
Address:workC 1016, Siddhivinayak business tower
 workKataria Automobiles Rd, Makarba
 workAhmedabad, India  380051
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globehttp://
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About EshiaBIM:
 As one of the leading BIM outsourcing services provider in India, Eshia BIM offers CAD and BIM solutions to the AEC industry. Eshia BIM is an India based BIM outsourcing company providing Revit 3D modelling (Architectural, Structural, MEPFS), Design Coordination and Clash Detection, Revit Family Creation and Maintenance, Scan to BIM, PDF to BIM, and CAD to BIM services for clients across Architectural Design & MEP Engineering Firms, Construction (GC/CM) Companies, Laser Scan Companies, Building Products, and Furniture Manufacturers.

Our experience includes delivering over 100 plus projects across all types of industries/sectors such as Hotel, Multi-Residential, Education, Commercial, Hospitals, Medical Centres, Government, Retail, Manufacturing, and Warehouse/Storage.