Products / Services:
 FIVEX SRL is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Assembly Services
    • Contract
  • Machining
    • Steel
  • Welding
    • Steel
Contact Information:
Company: FIVEX SRL
Address:workSTR TEILOR, NR.7
 workTargu Carbunesti, Romania  210215
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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 The history of FIVEX begins in 1960 when a series of workshops were establishes on the current site of the plant. Then, the production was intended to various industries. Casting metals was the main activity, but soon the need for processing appeared. Thus emerged new departments specialized in mechanical processing and metal welding and the workshops developed into a real size plant.

In the last years, new financial, trade and investment strategies resulted in a modern factory with flexible and competitive production workflow. FIVEX is equipped with modern equipment and competitive from leading industry manufacturers as DMG MORI SEIKI-for mechanical engineering branch, Kasto, Kaeser Compressor, SAF-FRO for cutting and welding, Straaltechniek for covering surfaces.

Today, these activities are performed within plant:
- Automatic Cutting (plasma and oxygaz), mechanical and manual
- Classical and CNC Machining
- Mechanical welding
- Liquid spray painting
- Assembly and installation on site
- Repair and Maintenance

Currently, our products are mainly oriented towards the industries: automotive, mining, energy, logistics, aerospace, oil and gas, shipbuilding, chemical and metalworking.

Our technical capabilities and flexible production flow allowed us to qualify as supplier for important European and Non European companies from countries like: France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Great Britain, Netherlands, Norway and Luxembourg.