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 Fabricators & Manufacturers Association is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Trade Associations
Contact Information:
Company: Fabricators & Manufacturers Association
Address:work833 Featherstone Rd.
 workRockford, IL 61107  United States
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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About Fabricators & Manufacturers Association:
 The Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International (FMA) is a professional organization with more than 2,000 individual and company members working together to improve the metal forming and fabricating industry. Founded in 1970, FMA brings metal fabricators and manufacturers together through technology councils, educational programs, networking events, and FABTECH. The official publications of FMA include - The FABRICATOR®, TPJ -The Tube & Pipe Journal®, STAMPING Journal®, Practical Welding Today®, The Fabricator® en Espanol, and Green Manufacturer. FMA also has a technology affiliate, the Tube & Pipe Association, International (TPA).

FMA serves members involved in the following processes: bending, blanking, cutting, drawing, extruding, fastening, finishing, leveling, piercing, punching, roll forming, shearing, slitting, spinning, straightening, stamping, swaging, and welding. FMA membership spans the United States and Canada, and reaches into more than 40 other countries.

Headquartered in Rockford, Ill., FMA has a staff of more than 85 employees serving its members and the industry. FMA members are served at the volunteer level by the FMA Executive Committee, Board of Directors and Technology Councils. TPA members are served by the TPA Advisory Board.