| Flextron -- long known for quality rubberized hair packaging material -- has also become a major supplier of metal fabrications and plastic parts. Flextron produces items for both Military and Commercial applications, from complex dunnage to simple cushions for packaging. Flextron facilities encompass 45,000 square feet and include state-of-the-art equipment to produce high-quality, rigid and flexible urethanes, fabricated polyurethanes, weldments and complete assemblies of your design or ours. Our Reputation is based on quality materials and workmanship, on-time delivery and competitive pricing. Our thorough knowledge of military specifications, our experienced personnel and our specialized equipment are the foundation our organization is built on. The capability of working with metal or plastic and a combination of both is an extra dimension from Flextron. The blending of knowledge, experience and equipment applied to your job makes the Flextron difference. | |