Products / Services:
 Harrington & King Perforating Company is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Perforated Metal
Contact Information:
Company: Harrington & King Perforating Company
Address:work5655 West Fillmore Street
 workChicago, IL 60644  United States
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About Harrington & King Perforating Company:
 With more than 120 years of experience, H&K is known for producing perforated material with extreme accuracy and efficiency. We can provide holes in any size, shape or arrangement, in metals and non-metallics, from foil thin to one inch thick. We do it all! And no one beats us for fast delivery and competitive pricing for large or small orders.

We can custom-design your perforated patterns with large blank areas and any combination of hole shapes and sizes. Our technical assistance and a full range of forming, fabricating and finishing services are available.

A selection of perforated patterns are warehoused around the country in various sheet sizes, gauges and materials. They are available for immediate shipment. (Order by noon and we'll ship by 5 p.m. the same day.) H&K is conveniently located in six locations across the USA. Stop by to learn more about us.