Products / Services:
 Heatbath Corp is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Heat Treating
    • Metal
Contact Information:
Company: Heatbath Corp
Address:work107 Front St
 workIndian Orchard, MA 01151  United States
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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About Heatbath Corp:
 Since 1923, Heatbath® Corporation has been the leading source of specialized products and expert service for the metal finishing industry. We are a trusted supplier for automotive, aerospace, military, and general industrial applications.
Family owned and operated, Heatbath Corporation has continuously strived to develop unique and versatile products while maintaining a dedication to the New England tradition of quality and economy.

Our Pentrate® line of products is recognized as unsurpassed in the field of black oxide finishing. In addition, we offer hundreds of proven options for metal cleaning, aluminum finishing, plating, phosphating, and corrosion protection.
Chemical Finishing, Inc. was acquired in 1996, expanding our plating capabilities to include electroless nickel coatings. Since then, we have developed new and innovative RoHS compliant formulations, which offer exceptional brightness and bath stability.

In 2005, Heatbath acquired Chemtech Finishing Systems Inc., once again broadening all of our product lines and incorporating a vast array of decorative plating technologies.

We invite you to explore our website and encourage you to contact one of our Technical Representatives to discuss your specific metal finishing requirements in more detail.