Products / Services:
 Helmig Lienesch LLC is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Consultants
    • Engineering
Contact Information:
Company: Helmig Lienesch LLC
Address:work410 S. Jefferson St.
 workDayton, OH 45402  United States
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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Map of Helmig Lienesch LLC
About Helmig Lienesch LLC:
 We currently offer consulting engineering services - design, layout and specifications - for the following areas of expertise:

* Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning
* Power House Systems
* Industrial Ventilation
* Sheet Metal / Piping Fabrication & Coordination Drawings
* Utility Piping
* Steam Distribution
* Sanitary and Storm Sewer Systems
* Fire Protection / Suppression and Sprinkler Systems
* Temperature Control / Building Automation Systems
* Fire Alarm Systems
* Lighting Design
* Lighting Studies
* Lightning Protection and Grounding Systems
* Primary and Secondary Electrical Power Distribution
* Standby, Auxiliary, Emergency and UPS Power Systems
* Power Monitoring and Metering Systems
* Power coordination and Low Flow Studies
* Technical Specifications
* Building Code Investigations
* Energy Conservation Studies and Design
* Campus Master Plans
* CAD Services
* Economic and Feasibility Studies
* Field Observation / Assistance in start-ups and Monitoring of any of the above listed items.