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Jervis B Webb CompanyFarmington Hills, MI
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Phone: 248-553-1220
Fax: 248-553-1228
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 Heavy-Duty Roller Conveyors

Webb has a long tradition of success in the heavy-duty roller conveyor industry. Our conveyors are at the heart of thousands of manufacturing, warehousing, and distribution operations - providing unmatched reliability in the most demanding environments. They function in many different ways, ranging from point-to-point movement of pallets and containers to labeling, assembly, and inspection stations.

Standard heavy-duty roller conveyor products include: gravity roller, chain driven live roller and pallet accumulation conveyors.

An exclusive, modular design makes our systems easy to install, modify, expand, or relocate. Load capacities ranging from 500 to 5,000 lbs. (227 to 2,268 kg), and travel speeds of 30 to 75 feet/minute (.15 to .38 meters/second) make Webb heavy-duty roller conveyors suitable for a wide range of applications.
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