Products / Services:
 Kukahome is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Furniture
Contact Information:
Company: Kukahome
Address:work113th 11street xiasha
 workHangzhou, China  310018
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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About Kukahome:
 Inspiration, the relentless pursuit from top designers;
Cohesion, the life wisdom raised from worldly artists;
Touch, the perfect presentation from refined materials;
Focus, the best elaboration of craftsmanship and technology.

This is the global supplier in 186 countries;
This is the leader in upholstered furniture industry;
This is the advocator of fashion lifestyle;
This is a company specializes in living-room and bedroom furniture;
This is KUKA.

KUKA runs thousand of brand stores in Holland, France, Bulgaria, Korea and China.
We are dedicating ourselves to provide home living solutions that allow families to gather, people to relax, friends to chat in total comfort.