| Challenge Us We thrive on challenge. Complex, difficult-to-manufacture, miniature and tightly-toleranced partsare our stock and trade. We often surprise our clients with a willingness to tackle projects other supplierswon't even quote on. Peridot routinely executes schedules deemed impossible by our competition.Go ahead, ask the impossible! Count On Us We work with many of the toughest, most demanding companies in the industry (we have great references!) But wait. Here's the kicker. Peridot's keen appreciation of design means that production efforts will be modeled to suit your needs. That's right, your needs. Unlike some other manufacturers, we don't pick and choose which jobs to complete. We simply roll up our sleeves, decide what modifications we need to make and get to work. Contact Us We speak your language...fluent customer service. Whether you want to speak with a Peridot project sales manager or an engineer, we're available. We refuse to discuss why things can't be done – but rather what day you can expect your shipment. Our internet services allow you 24/7 access to forecasts, work flow notifications and other project status information using file transfers and other EDI methods.
Contact us today and to find out how Peridot can solve your metal component challenges. | |