Products / Services:
 Plastic Trader Enterprises is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Plastic Pellets and Granules
Contact Information:
Company: Plastic Trader Enterprises
Address:work2099 Hamilton Eaton Rd
 workHamilton, OH 45011  United States
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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About Plastic Trader Enterprises:
 Plastic Trader Enterprises is a recycler of all different types of thermoplastic scrap serving the industrial and commercial markets. We can buy most polymers at a virtually unlimited amount. We strive to provide the best possible service to our valued customers while providing services such as waste management, logistics, and the recovery of all types of plastic materials. We are always looking for new accounts and strive to help our customers run their operations more efficiently. Our services help recover thousands of dollars in otherwise lost material every month. Our company operates at an international level, exporting materials all over the globe. Let us help your company get the most out of its plastic materials. Please visit us at

WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING CORRUGATED PAPER AS WELL!!! Please visit for more details.