Products / Services:
 SBI Foundry/Stonebridge Industries, Inc. is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Castings
  • Investment Castings
Contact Information:
Company: SBI Foundry/Stonebridge Industries, Inc.
Address:work2920 Stone Bridge Tr.
 workConyers, GA 30094  United States
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
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About SBI Foundry/Stonebridge Industries, Inc.:
 Castings & machining, China & USA facilities, Process in sand, permanent mold, die, investment, centrifucal castings, Materials in Gray iron, ductile iron, steels, aluminum, zinc, etc. Large ductile iron pipes. QS9000 and ISO9002 certified. Weight from QZ to 50,000 LBs.