Products / Services:
 Sanriya Engineering Private Limited is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Consultants
    • Industrial Design
Contact Information:
Company: Sanriya Engineering Private Limited
Address:workNo 115, F3 1st Floor Kandaah Chambers, Nelson Manickam Road
 workChennai, India  600029
Phone:Phoneworkpref+91 44-43300458
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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About Sanriya Engineering Private Limited:
 About us:
Sanriya is a Structural Steel Design & Detailing Company. We have teams of specialize engineers in Structural & Misc. Steel Detailing.
Our team includes estimators, checkers, project leaders and project managers all having Engineering degree and a minimum of four years of experience.
Our capabilities range from small local projects to large and mid-size international projects.
We have the capability of producing complicated designing, 3D Modeling, 2D detailing of Fabrication & Erection drawings which are accepted by Steel Fabricators
and Erectors/Builders in Middle East, UK, India, CANADA, Australia & USA.
We use the latest versions of Tekla Structure (X-steel) for detailing & Staad Pro for designing.

Our Offering:
We are committed to do optimistic design & quality of fabrication shop and erection drawings in accordance with various international standards such as CISC, BS, IS code, AISC
and OSHA, rules and deliver the drawings in .dwg, .dxf, .pdf and .tif format as per requirements.
We also provide the CNC data, DSTV/KISS and fabtrol list if required to expedite the fabrication.

Core Expertise:
Structure Steel Design [Primary Design and Connection design]
Structure Steel Detailing [Fabrication Shop Drawing, Erection Plan, Section and Details, Anchor Bolt Setting Plan and Details
Miscellaneous Detailing [Stairs, Handrails, Ladders, Arch. Misc. Steel, Grating, etc.]
Material Take-off (ABM) & All Required Reports.