Products / Services:
 Schafer Powder Coating Inc is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Powder Coating Services
Contact Information:
Company: Schafer Powder Coating Inc
Address:work8231 Zionsville Rd
 workIndianapolis, IN 46268-1628  United States
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Website:Computer and Globe
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About Schafer Powder Coating Inc:
 About Us

Schafer has the characteristics you seek in a Powder Coating Service. We have dedicated our business to providing our customers with high quality finishes, prompt turn-around, and competitive prices. Schafer Powder Coating combines technical expertise with modern equipment to meet your toughest requirements.

We specialize in medium-to-large production runs. Our customers include a wide variety of manufacturers and Custom Metal Fabricators. We take the time to understand your requirements and expectations and then strive to exceed them with every production run. Schafer Powder Coating wants to be the source for all of your Powder Coating needs.

Our goal is to become your long-term partner. Contact us today and let one of our powder coating experts explain why Schafer Powder Coating is the best long term finishing solution for your company.

Our Process includes a six-stage Iron Phosphate Pretreatment Washer.

The stages are:
  1. Alkaline Clean
  2. Rinse
  3. Iron Phosphate
  4. Rinse
  5. Non-chrome Seal Rinse
  6. Deionized Water Halo Rinse

These stages ensure optimal long term powder adhesion and corrosion resistance. Passing Salt Spray tests for 2,000+ hours are possible, depending on substrate and powder selection. Next, your parts go to our clean room. This climate-controlled room is the heart of maintaining your quality. Finely ground particles of pigment and resin (powder) are electro-statically charged and sprayed onto the parts to be coated. These parts are electrically grounded so the charged particles adhere to them until melted and fused into a solid coating in our curing oven.

Unlike wet paints, there is no waiting after the heated cure has occurred. The parts are completed and ready for your use! The powder coating process is environmentally friendly and virtually pollution-free!

Frequently the parts we coat have critical surfaces that must not be contaminated with coating. We purchase, and/or design and acquire mask materials that will ensure coatings are applied only where required.