Products / Services:
 Shanghai SIIC Zhentai chemical Co., Ltd. is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Magnesium Oxide
Contact Information:
Company: Shanghai SIIC Zhentai chemical Co., Ltd.
Address:workNo.588 Yunhe Bei RD, Fengxian Dis. SHANGHAI
 workShanghai, SD 0  United States
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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Map of Shanghai SIIC Zhentai chemical Co., Ltd.
About Shanghai SIIC Zhentai chemical Co., Ltd.:
 Shanghai SIIC Zhentai chemical Co., Ltd. is a state-own enterprise, mainly product special silicon grade MgO and electric grade MgO since 1984.
Our silicon-steel grade MgO is widely used in middle or big scale silicon-steel factories.
The electric grade MgO are widely used in the air heating elements and liquid heating elements for the household appliance , military use and nuclear area.

We have our own R&D institue to invent the goods on the customers' requests. Till now, we have got more than 10 patents, invent hundreds of new MgO .

Welcome to use our product.