Products / Services:
 Therma-Flite Inc. is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Consultants
    • Environmental
Contact Information:
Company: Therma-Flite Inc.
Address:work849 Jackson St
 workBenicia, CA 94510  United States
Phone:Phoneworkpref(707) 747-5949
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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Map of Therma-Flite Inc.
About Therma-Flite Inc.:
 Therma-Flite has a long history of screw conveyor technology and auger design, manufacturing equipment for chemical and process industries all over the world. Therma-Flite (then known as Christian Engineering) designed, built and sold the first hollow screw heat exchanger in 1939 for the food industry. Since these early beginnings, Therma-Flite has continued to develop and re-evaluate the heat exchanger screw conveyor industry. Our processors have lasted longer, processed more, and handled more materials than any other manufacturer in the world.