Products / Services:
 UniVisual Inc is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Furniture
  • Medical Equipment
  • Printing
Contact Information:
Company: UniVisual Inc
Address:work111 RongShuTou Rd
 workBaiyun District
 workGuangzhou, China  510515
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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Map of UniVisual Inc
About UniVisual Inc:
 L o w c o s t m e d i c a l a n d m e d i c i n e f r o m C h i n a

U n i V i s u a l G r o u p I n c .


U L T R A S O U N D ......................... $ 6 5 0
P A C S ........................... $ 1 0 0 0
H I S ............................. $ 1 0 0 0
P a t i e n t M o n i t o r .................. $ 1 28 0
C a b l e E C G ............................ $ 9 9 9
M i c r o s c o p e ......................... $ 1 2 9
F i l m P r o c e s s o r ...................... $ 3 1 5 0
H o s p i t a l b e d s ......................... $ 1 2 9
S u r g i c a l Table ......... .................. $ 5 9 9
C a r t ............................... $ 3 9
D e s k .................................. $3 9
C h a i r ............................ $ 2 9
Univisual Group Inc.
Eric L. He CEO
Phone: 86-13392148275
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