Products / Services:
 West Coast Castings is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Castings
    • Aluminum
Contact Information:
Company: West Coast Castings
Address:work1211 44th Ave E
 workBradenton, FL 34203  United States
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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About West Coast Castings:
 We cast several aluminum and brass alloys using sand casting techniques. We have an array of different flask sizes and molding machines including four manual and one automatic molding stations. Part sizes can range from under one to over 100 pounds, and production runs from one prototype to over 10,000 pieces a month.
We can also do heat treatment; T-6 and T-51 tempers in 356 aluminum alloy. We provide certification for metallurgy and tensile strength if needed.