Products / Services:
 Yours Design is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Designers
    • Logo and Graphic
Contact Information:
Company: Yours Design
Address:workMyasnovo, 18 proezd
 workhouse 83A, flat 72
 workTula, Russian Federation  300036
Phone:Phoneworkpref(910) 1631063
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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About Yours Design:
 Oleg Agafonov
Professional graphic designer with
more than five years experience and higer education in Graphic Design. Oleg is fond of oil paintings, pastel and watercolor drawings. He has several exhibitions already. Oleg likes to go for a walk in a strong rain and doesn't like when people eat dessert with a tablespoon.

Yulia Agafonova
Positive manager of She has two higer educations and Ph.D. in technics. Yulia likes when spring sun plays on her red hairs and doesn't like to drink warm carbonated beverages.