Products / Services:
 Zhengzhou Pingyuan Abrasives Co., Ltd. is currently listed under the following categories: 
  • Abrasives
    • Bonded
  • Alumina
Contact Information:
Company: Zhengzhou Pingyuan Abrasives Co., Ltd.
Address:work183, Zhongyuan Road
 workZhengzhou, China  450006
E-mail:E-mailE-Mail Company
Website:Computer and Globe
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Map of Zhengzhou Pingyuan Abrasives Co., Ltd.
About Zhengzhou Pingyuan Abrasives Co., Ltd.:
 Zhengzhou Pingyuan Abrasives CO. LTD(PYF), which was established in 1970's,specialized in manufacturing Abrasives and Refractory products including :White and Brown Fused Alumina, Fused Mullite and Spinel , Black and Green Silicon Carbide etc. with the annual output of white fused alumina 10,000MT , fused mullite and spinel 5,000MT. Bubble Alumina 5000Mts; Brown Fused Alumina 20,000Mts.

As the leading manufacturer of the above materials in China, PYF has the right of export products directly, and more than 80% products are exported to USA, Japan , Europe, and South Africa etc, more than 40 countries in the Abrasives and Refractory business line , and the sales value reach up to USD 20 million.

Also PYF is one of main supplier of China Abrasives Import & Export corporation for many years, the quality is reliable and enjoy high reputation from the customers.

Except this, we can also supply the following related materials:

Boron Carbide, Bauxite , Zirconia Aluminum Oxide, Alumina bubble etc...

We will provide our high quality products and best services continuously, we warmly welcome friends from worldwide to develop trade relations and co-operation with us, we will be always glad to do our best to meet your requirements.