Explanation of Cookies

Cookies are small, special files stored on your hard drive.  Cookies contain information that web sites can access freely, usually preferences, last searched item(s), login information, etc.  Cookies may or may not be encrypted, and may last a day, a week, or even a year or more, based on the creator's specifications.

Zycon utilizes cookies to store the username and password information so that when you return to our site, you do not need to log on manually, thus saving time!  Although cookies will help your experience at Zycon, they are not required.

Temporary cookies exist as well.  Such cookies are known as 'session cookies' and only last the duration of the visit to a particular site.  When no user intervention occurs between the web browser and the site, 90 minutes on this site, the sesson will timeout and expire.  Zycon requires that session/temporary cookies be turned on.

On Zycon's logon screen, it is recommended that you check the box to save your information.  Next time you navigate to our site, whether the browser has been closed or not, you will automatically be logged in!

Notes: (1) If you log off, this will erase the Zycon cookie and upon re-entry into this site, you will be required to enter your login information again.  (2) If multiple people use your computer, it is best to leave the box unchecked so that people cannot log on under your name.
