| Aug 13, 2013 — HPE Extrusion Solutions, specialists in complex plastic extrusions, is offering a limited time waiver of tooling charges on new custom extrusion projects.
The free tooling offer, which is valid through Oct. 31, 2013, serves a dual purpose, according to Tony Madison, president of the Bally, PA company. “We are, of course, interested in expanding our customer base. But we also see this as our way of stimulating the economy. Many HPE customers are Original Equipment Manufacturers who are always on the look-out for ways to lower production costs. These OEMs count on us to extrude plastic components which are integral parts of their own end products. By offering to design and manufacture a customer’s extrusion dies, we help OEMs keep their costs down while making it easier—and a lot less expensive—for them to market their industrial or consumer products.”
A minimum order of 5000 feet of extruded parts or products is required to qualify for the free offer. A manufacturer wishing to take advantage of the offer should place an order before Nov. 1, 2013 and submit specs or a drawing of the required component.
HPE's machines' single screw units range from 3/4" to 2 1/2" which permit extrusions of a wide range of sizes and shapes, including profiles ranging in size from 1/16" to 5" pipe or 10" profile with a virtually unlimited length.
The company is capable of extruding a wide variety of common and advanced thermoplastics resins, including flexible and rigid PVC, HDPE, LDPE and polypropylene; and innovative engineering resins, such as ABS/PVC alloys and difficult-to-run elastomers, such as Santoprene and nylon.
For additional information, contact HPE Extrusions Solutions, 20 N. Front St., Suite #1, Bally, PA 19503; phone 610-845-9111; FAX 610-845-9113; Email: tmadison@hpeplasticextrusions.com
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